Hive – “CREATE TABLE LIKE” drops some tblproperties

I ran across something today which I thought I should share regarding the “CREATE TABLE LIKE…” statement.  I found that not all of the tblproperties clauses of the originating table are copied to the new table definition.  Below is a quick test…. Note that the second table ends up missing the SKIP.LINE properties, but does keep the NULL FORMAT property. So, the moral of the story is to double check yourself when using the “CREATE TABLE LIKE” statement   drop table if exists test1; create external table test1 (val string) stored as textfile location ‘/test1’ tblproperties (‘skip.header.line.count’=’1’ ,‘skip.footer.line.count’=’1’ ,’serialization.null.format’=”); drop table if exists test2; create table test2 like jjohns008c.test1 location ‘/test2’; show create table test2; CREATE TABLE `test2`( `val` string) ROW FORMAT SERDE ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe’ STORED AS INPUTFORMAT ‘org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat’ OUTPUTFORMAT ‘’ LOCATION ‘hdfs://test2’ TBLPROPERTIES ( ‘serialization.null.format’=”,...

Micro Branding – Peter Serff

Micro Branding by Peter Serff, Partner Centennial Data Group  Several years ago, my dad gave me a book to listen to on my commute to work called MicroBranding by T. Scott Gross.  I gave it a shot, expecting a typical marketing read with a few nuggets of value.  But to my surprise, I was quickly drawn into and inspired by this book.  Gross is an incredibly charismatic speaker and lays out his case through story and hyperbole that every one of us has an interest in building our personal brands.  Large, successful companies like Google, Nike, Apple, & Southwest Airlines treat their brand as an integral part of their business; they understand that every time they interact with a customer, directly or indirectly, they are impressing upon or reinforcing their impression on their customers and potential customers.  Gross’ premise is that we should all be just as concerned about our own personal brands. As a business professional, and especially as a consultant, we have to look at everything we do and each interaction as something that will create or strengthen our brand in others’ minds.  We all understand that our resumes and LinkedIn profiles are important branding documents, but if those aren’t consistently reinforced with supporting actions, we risk creating a weak brand.  Worse yet, if our interactions are consistently negative, we risk creating a strong negative brand.  Rarely do we have a choice in how perceptions are made about us, which makes it paramount to deliver the impression we want every chance we get. For example, if I want to be known as a trusted adviser with outstanding...

Tips for Interviewing with the Hiring Manager

Tips for Interviewing with the Hiring Manager By Cynthia Stutz, Director of Recruiting  Centennial Data Group Phone interviews are daunting for some candidates and a breeze for others. How do you remain memorable to the interviewing manager over the telephone? First of all, we suggest that each candidate be an active listener.  Listening skills are key. Recruiters by trade are connected to the telephone daily. We can hear emotions, pauses, sighs and energy – good or bad. So, before taking the interview call, review the requirement, take a deep breath and listen closely. Tips to help improve your next interview If you have interviewing anxiety… Conduct a mock interview with a friend, family peer, whoever. Ask for feedback on the following: The pace of your responses: Speaking too slowly, too fast, long winded, abruptness Energy level: Positive? Low? Nervous? Responses to the questions asked: Clear, concise and articulate, Vague and circular Take the call in a quiet place, such as a conference room, or your own home. Make sure your connection is good. Do not interview while driving. There is nothing professional about hearing dogs barking, the television, or other voices. Take notes, (if you are able write down the questions asked of you). Keep answers short, concise and relevant to the job requirement. Prepare a five minute elevator pitch explaining your current and relevant positions. Be prepared to effectively answer “why” you are making a change. Managers may ask about achievements, regardless, prepare at least one current example such as: a)    How you created a process b)    Improved a process c)    Saved the company money d)    Made the company...


Over the years I have researched many data topics, stumbled on many of those “undocumented features” in technology solutions, and written many scripts to recreate issues and prove out solutions. Like most experienced developers, Google is your best friend, and you hope that someone else has solved a particular problem, or has that one nugget of insight you need. I’m excited to have the opportunity to begin contributing back to the knowledge community. While no one is an expert on everything, I do hope you find my posts informative and thought-provoking. I’m a firm believer that there’s never just 1 solution to a problem, so I welcome constructive feedback and input. It’s through collaboration that we’re able to enhance the tools and methods that we collectively rely upon as the leaders in our data technology...

Data is just data…

As I work with various clients around the country and around the globe, I find one thing to be true, data is just data.  What I mean by that is simple, it doesn’t matter if you have a “Big” data problem or a small data problem, we are really just dealing in pieces of information.  Information that needs to be structured and ordered in a way so that we can analyze it, slice it and dice it, and hope that it will tell us something valuable.  That value can only be derived when we understand that the data is meaningless unless we can understand the context of the data, why it exists, what purpose it serves and what it actually means.  There is a tendency for people to always want to jump into doing what is cool, what is the next big thing.  Sometimes we have to do what is boring, before we can work on what is fun.  With all the buzz around “Big Data” and “Data Science” everyone seems to want to jump straight into predictive analytics and advanced data mining, without doing the necessary leg-work to get to that point.  There is not, to my knowledge, some kind of magical piece of software out there that will help you build and glean insights from data if you have no basic understand of what your data is.   While models and data mining can tell you interesting patterns in your data, if you don’t have a basic understanding of your data, business practices, and customers, all that information is somewhat...